IBM recently announced that it will be pausing hiring for around 7,800 roles that could potentially be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This move is part of the company’s larger effort to modernize its workforce and focus on new areas of growth.
The announcement was made in a blog post from IBM CEO Arvind Krishna. In the post, he stated that “we are making significant investments in AI and cloud technology to help our clients succeed in this rapidly changing world. As part of this effort, we have identified some roles which may no longer be necessary as we progress into the future.”
Krishna also noted that IBM would continue to invest heavily in upskilling its existing employees so they can take on more advanced roles within the company. He added: “We are committed to helping our people develop their skills and capabilities so they can remain competitive and successful throughout their careers at IBM.”
This news comes after several years of restructuring efforts at IBM, including layoffs and divestitures. The company has been trying to shift away from traditional hardware businesses such as servers and storage towards newer technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing and analytics.
It remains unclear how many jobs will ultimately be affected by these changes but it is likely that there will be some job losses due to automation or other technological advances replacing certain positions over time. However, with continued investment in employee training programs it appears that IBM is attempting to minimize any potential disruption caused by these changes while still positioning itself for long-term success in an increasingly digital world.
Overall this decision reflects a growing trend among large companies who are looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies like AI while still taking care of their current employees through upskilling initiatives. It remains uncertain what impact this move will have on overall employment numbers but one thing is clear – companies must adapt if they want to remain competitive in today’s ever-changing business landscape. |IBM pauses hiring around 7800 roles that could be replaced by AI|Technology|Ars Technica