The race to become the world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) research is on, and it’s a competition between the United States and Europe. AI has been gaining traction as an important technology for many industries, from healthcare to finance. As such, both sides are investing heavily in AI research and development.
In recent years, the US has taken a lead in terms of investment into AI research. According to data from McKinsey & Company, US companies invested $39 billion into AI-related activities in 2018 alone – more than double what was spent by European firms that same year. This trend is expected to continue over the next few years; experts predict that by 2023, US spending on AI will reach $77 billion while European spending will only be around $45 billion.
However, this doesn’t mean that Europe isn’t making strides when it comes to developing their own capabilities in this field. In fact, some experts argue that Europe may have an edge due to its focus on ethical considerations when it comes to using AI technologies – something which many American companies have yet to prioritize fully. Additionally, there are several initiatives being undertaken across Europe aimed at fostering collaboration between countries so they can work together towards common goals related to advancing their respective national interests through investments into cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI).
For example: The European Commission recently launched its “Digital Single Market Strategy” which aims at creating a unified digital market within the EU where businesses can operate freely without facing any regulatory or legal barriers across borders; this could potentially open up new opportunities for collaborations between different countries within Europe when it comes to researching and developing advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally, other organizations such as Horizon 2020 are providing funding for projects focused on exploring how best we can use emerging technologies like machine learning and deep learning algorithms for various applications ranging from healthcare diagnostics all the way up through autonomous vehicles navigation systems – again opening up potential avenues of collaboration among different countries within Europe who share similar interests with regards these topics .
At present though , there still remains a gap between what each side is doing when it comes down specifically towards researching Artificial Intelligence . While America continues leading with regards investment ,Europe appears better equipped with regards regulations surrounding ethical considerations . With both sides continuing their efforts towards becoming global leaders ,it would be interesting if they were ableto collaborate more closely together instead of competing against one another . Such cooperation could resultin faster progress made overall since resources wouldn’t needto be duplicated unnecessarily ; insteadthey could be pooledtogether allowingfor greater efficiencyand productivity gains .
One waythis might happenis ifthe two sideswereableto comeupwitha joint frameworkthat outlinesethical guidelinesfor usingartificialintelligence responsiblywhile alsoallowingforthe free flowof ideasand informationbetween themwithout anyrestrictionsor limitationsimposedon eithersidebythe otherone . Thiswouldallowbothpartiesto benefitfromeachother’sexpertiseand knowledgebaseaswell astheirrespectiveinvestmentsintoAi -relatedactivitieswhichcouldleadtomorerapidprogressbeingmadeinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesbasedonArtificialIntelligence( Ai ) principlesandsolutionsacrossvariousindustriesworldwide .
Ultimately ,it’sclearthatthereisa greatdealatstakewhenitcomestotheglobalracebetweentheUnitedStatesandEuropeoverwhowillbecometheworldleaderinArtificialIntelligenceresearchanddevelopmentinthenearfuture ; howeverifbothsidesarewillingtocollaborateinsteadofcompetingagainstoneanotherthenperhapswe’llbeabletoseethebenefitssoonerratherthanlaterastheyworktogethertocreateabetterfuturethroughtheuseoftheseadvancedtechnologieslikeAi ..