
2024 GOP prez candidate Hutchinson & potential contender Rogers weigh in on deep concerns over AI advancements - Credit: Fox News

2024 GOP prez candidate Hutchinson & potential contender Rogers weigh in on deep concerns over AI advancements

As the world of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to rapidly evolve, 2024 Republican presidential contender Asa Hutchinson and potential GOP candidate Tim Rogers have expressed deep concerns over the advancements in AI technology.
Hutchinson, who is currently serving as Arkansas’ governor, recently spoke out about his worries that AI could be used for malicious purposes or even lead to a dystopian future. He believes that it’s important for lawmakers to take action now in order to protect citizens from any potential dangers posed by AI.
“We must ensure that we are taking proactive steps today so that our society does not become one where machines rule,” said Hutchinson during an interview with Fox News. “I am deeply concerned about how this technology can be abused and misused.”

Rogers echoed similar sentiments when he was asked about his thoughts on the matter. The former congressman from Texas noted that while there are many benefits associated with AI, such as increased efficiency and accuracy in certain tasks, there are also risks involved if proper safeguards aren’t put into place.
“We need to make sure we’re doing everything possible to protect people’s privacy and security,” said Rogers. “It’s essential that we create regulations around this technology so it doesn’t get out of hand.”
Both candidates agree that more research needs to be done before any major decisions regarding the use of AI can be made. They both believe it is important for experts in various fields—such as computer science, ethics, law enforcement—to come together and discuss ways they can work together towards creating a safe environment for everyone when using these technologies.
In addition, both men stressed the importance of educating citizens on how they can best utilize these new tools without putting themselves at risk or compromising their personal information online. They believe this will help ensure everyone has access to all the advantages offered by modern-day technologies while still protecting them from any potential harm caused by its misuse or abuse by others.

The two contenders also discussed other topics related to emerging technologies such as blockchain and quantum computing during their interviews with Fox News but agreed upon one thing: It is essential for lawmakers across all levels of government—local state federal—to stay informed on current trends so they can properly regulate them accordingly and keep citizens safe from any potential threats posed by advanced tech like artificial intelligence (AI).

With 2020 just around the corner, Hutchinson and Rogers have already begun laying down plans for their respective campaigns should either decide run in 2024’s presidential election cycle; however only time will tell which direction each man takes moving forward given their shared concern over advances being made within Artificial Intelligence (AI). |2024 GOP prez candidate Hutchinson & potential contender Rogers weigh in on deep concerns over AI advancements|Technology|Fox News

Original source article rewritten by our AI: Fox News




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