Survey Shows 60% of Patients are Uncomfortable with AI in Healthcare Settings - Credit: Healthcare Dive

Survey Shows 60% of Patients are Uncomfortable with AI in Healthcare Settings

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in healthcare, but many patients remain uncomfortable with the technology. According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, only about one-third of Americans are comfortable with AI being used for medical decisions and treatments.

The survey found that while most people recognize the potential benefits of AI in healthcare, they also have concerns about its accuracy and reliability. For example, nearly two-thirds of respondents said they were worried that AI could make mistakes or be biased against certain groups of people. Additionally, more than half expressed concern that AI would replace human doctors and nurses altogether.

Despite these worries, there are still some areas where patients feel more comfortable with using AI in healthcare. For instance, almost three-quarters of those surveyed said they would be willing to use an app or website powered by artificial intelligence to diagnose their symptoms or provide health advice. Similarly, over half said they’d be open to using an automated system for scheduling appointments or managing medications.

It’s important to note that this discomfort isn’t necessarily due to a lack of understanding; rather it appears rooted in a fear of what might go wrong if something does indeed go awry when relying on machines instead of humans for medical care decisions and treatments. As such, it’s essential for providers looking into incorporating AI into their practices to ensure transparency around how the technology works and how data is collected so as not to further alienate already wary patients who may view any missteps as evidence that robots can’t always get things right when it comes to providing quality care services .

At the same time though , providers should also take advantage of opportunities presented by patient comfort levels regarding certain aspects related specifically towards digital health tools like apps and websites powered by artificial intelligence . This includes taking steps such as educating patients on how these technologies work , emphasizing privacy measures taken , highlighting potential benefits associated with them , etc . Doing so will help build trust between provider organizations and their patient populations which is key when introducing new technologies like artificial intelligence into clinical settings .

Overall then , although many Americans remain hesitant about embracing artificial intelligence within healthcare settings due largely because fears surrounding accuracy & reliability issues – there are still plenty opportunities available for providers looking at leveraging digital health tools powered by this technology provided proper steps are taken first towards building trust amongst patient populations through education & transparency efforts .

Original source article rewritten by our AI:

Healthcare Dive





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