AI Navigates without Visual Sensors by Generating an Internal Map - Credit: New Scientist

AI Navigates without Visual Sensors by Generating an Internal Map

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, and now researchers have developed an AI system that can navigate its environment without relying on visual sensors. The AI system is able to generate an internal map of its surroundings and use it to find its way around.

The research team from the University of California, Berkeley created the AI system using deep reinforcement learning techniques. This type of machine learning allows machines to learn by trial and error as they interact with their environment. In this case, the AI was given no information about what it should do or how it should move through its environment; instead, it had to figure out for itself how best to get from point A to point B.

To achieve this goal, the researchers gave the AI two tasks: firstly, it had to build up a mental representation of where objects were located within its environment; secondly, it had to use this knowledge in order to plan routes between different points in space. To accomplish these tasks successfully, the AI used a combination of motion planning algorithms and probabilistic models which allowed it estimate distances between objects based on past experiences.

The results showed that when tested against other navigation systems such as those used by self-driving cars or robots navigating warehouses – both of which rely heavily on visual data –the new model performed just as well if not better than them at finding paths through unfamiliar environments with minimal errors. What’s more impressive is that unlike traditional methods which require large amounts of data input before they can be effective – such as images taken from cameras -this new model requires very little training time before being able perform complex navigational tasks accurately and efficiently .

This breakthrough could have far reaching implications for robotics technology since many current robotic systems are limited by their reliance on visual sensors for navigation purposes; however ,with this new method robots would be able develop maps internally without needing any external input whatsoever . This could potentially open up whole new realms possibilities for autonomous vehicles , drones ,and even search-and-rescue robots operating in hazardous environments where vision may not always be possible .

In addition ,this research also provides insight into how humans process spatial information ; while we too rely heavily on our eyesight when navigating our surroundings ,we also possess an innate ability create mental representations spaces so that we can recall them later without having seen them again . By understanding more about how artificial intelligence mimics human behavior like this ,we may eventually gain greater insights into our own cognitive processes .

Overall then ,this latest development shows us just how powerful modern artificial intelligence technologies are becoming ; not only can they replicate human behavior but they can often surpass us too ! With further advances sure follow suit soon enough who knows what else might become possible ?

Original source article rewritten by our AI:

New Scientist





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