Artificial intelligence (AI) image generators that can create close copies of real-world images could be a legal headache, according to experts.
The technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and has been used to generate realistic images of people who don’t exist, as well as landscapes and objects. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from advertising to film production. But it also raises questions about copyright law and intellectual property rights.
Experts say that AI image generators are likely to become more powerful in the future, making it harder for courts or regulators to distinguish between genuine photographs and computer-generated ones. This could lead to disputes over ownership of images created by AI systems – with companies claiming they own them even if they didn’t actually take the photograph themselves.
It may also be difficult for consumers or businesses using these services to know whether an image was generated by a machine or taken by a human photographer – leading some people argue that this could potentially open up new avenues for fraudsters looking exploit unsuspecting customers online.
At present there is no clear legal framework governing how these types of technologies should be regulated but some countries have already started taking steps towards addressing this issue through legislation such as France’s “right of publicity” laws which protect individuals from having their likenesses used without permission in commercial contexts like advertising campaigns. However, other countries are yet to introduce similar measures which means there is still much uncertainty surrounding how these issues will play out in practice when it comes time for courts or regulators make decisions on cases involving AI generated imagery .
In order for companies using AI image generators responsibly , they need clarity on what constitutes infringement so they can ensure their activities comply with relevant laws . Companies should also consider putting safeguards in place such as watermarking all images produced by their systems so users can easily identify them . Additionally , any contracts entered into with third parties should include provisions outlining who owns any content created via automated processes .
Ultimately , while AI image generation technology offers exciting opportunities across multiple industries , its use must be carefully managed if we want avoid potential legal complications down the line . As such , governments around world need start introducing regulations now before problem becomes too large scale deal with later on . Only then will we able guarantee fair outcomes both those creating content via automation and those whose work might otherwise infringed upon due lack proper protection under existing laws .
New Scientist