
Americans' Perspectives on Developing Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Including Text and Art Generators - Credit: Pew Research Center

Americans’ Perspectives on Developing Artificial Intelligence Technologies, Including Text and Art Generators

As technology continues to advance, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prevalent in our lives. AI has been used for a variety of tasks, from facial recognition software to self-driving cars. But how do Americans view these emerging uses of AI? A recent survey conducted by Pew Research Center sought to answer this question.

The survey found that most Americans are open to using AI for certain tasks but have mixed feelings about its potential applications. For example, when asked if they would be comfortable with an AI program generating text or art on their behalf, only 36% said yes while 54% said no. Similarly, when asked if they would be comfortable with an AI system making decisions about medical treatments or job hiring processes without any human input, just 33% said yes while 63% said no.

Interestingly enough, the survey also revealed some generational differences in attitudes towards AI usage: younger adults were generally more likely than older adults to express comfort with various applications of the technology. For instance, 45% of 18-29 year olds surveyed expressed comfort with an AI system making decisions about medical treatments compared to just 25% of those aged 65 and over who felt similarly; likewise 44% of 18-29 year olds expressed comfort with an AI program generating text or art compared to 28% among those aged 65 and over who shared similar sentiments.

Overall it appears that Americans are largely open minded when it comes to using artificial intelligence for certain tasks such as providing customer service support or conducting online searches; however there is still hesitation around allowing machines full autonomy in decision making processes such as medical treatment recommendations or job hiring practices without any human input involved at all stages along the way. This could be due in part because people may not fully understand what goes into creating these systems nor trust them completely yet – something which will likely change as time passes and people become increasingly familiarized with this type of technology through everyday interactions like talking on their phones via voice assistants like Siri or Alexa etcetera..

It’s clear that attitudes towards artificial intelligence vary depending on age group and task being performed; however overall it seems that most Americans remain cautious yet optimistic about its potential applications moving forward into the future – especially given how quickly things can change within today’s ever evolving technological landscape! As we continue exploring new ways in which we can utilize this powerful tool responsibly so too should we keep track public opinion surrounding its usage so as better inform ourselves before taking actionable steps towards implementation down line…

Original source article rewritten by our AI:

Pew Research Center




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