
Google's Bard AI chatbot can now generate and debug code - Credit: TechCrunch

Google’s Bard AI chatbot can now generate and debug code

Google has recently unveiled its latest AI chatbot, Bard. This revolutionary technology is capable of generating and debugging code in a fraction of the time it would take for a human to do so. It can be used by developers to quickly create new applications or debug existing ones with ease.
The AI works by analyzing the code that’s been written and then suggesting changes or improvements that could be made to make it more efficient. It can also generate new lines of code based on what it’s learned from previous projects, making development much faster than before.
Bard is powered by Google’s machine learning algorithms which allow it to learn from past experiences and become smarter over time as more data is fed into its system. The AI can detect errors in coding syntax as well as logic errors, helping developers find bugs before they cause any major issues down the line.
This technology has already been adopted by some of the world’s leading tech companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook who are using Bard to help speed up their development processes while ensuring quality control at every step along the way.
Google hopes that this technology will revolutionize how software is developed in the future and make coding easier for everyone involved – both experienced coders and those just starting out alike! With Bard now available, developers have access to an incredibly powerful tool that can save them time while still producing high-quality results each time they use it.
|Google’s Bard AI chatbot can now generate and debug code|Technology|TechCrunch

Original source article rewritten by our AI: TechCrunch




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