
New Relic launches Grok: Its AI Observability Assistant - Credit: TechCrunch

New Relic launches Grok: Its AI Observability Assistant

Today, New Relic has announced the launch of Grok, its AI-powered observability assistant. This new tool is designed to help developers and operations teams quickly identify and troubleshoot issues in their applications.

Grok uses machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies in application performance data that may indicate a problem. It then provides actionable insights into what’s causing the issue so it can be addressed quickly and efficiently. The goal is to reduce time spent on manual debugging tasks and allow teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.

The product also includes an intuitive user interface that makes it easy for users to interact with Grok’s AI capabilities. Users can ask questions about their applications or use natural language processing (NLP) commands such as “show me all errors from yesterday” or “what was the response time of my API last week?” Grok will then provide detailed answers based on its analysis of the data collected from various sources including logs, metrics, traces, events, etc..

New Relic believes this new product will revolutionize how developers approach observability by providing them with real-time insights into their applications’ performance without having to manually search through large amounts of data. With Grok’s assistance they’ll be able to quickly identify problems before they become major issues and take corrective actions accordingly.

In addition, New Relic has integrated Grok with its existing products such as Insights Dashboards which allows users to visualize their application performance over time; Alerts which sends notifications when certain conditions are met; Synthetics which monitors webpages for uptime; Browser which tracks page load times; Mobile which measures app usage across different devices; Infrastructure which collects server metrics; APM & Trace Analytics which helps pinpoint slowdowns in code execution paths; Logging & Metrics Aggregation for collecting log files from multiple sources at once; Security Monitoring & Compliance Management for identifying security threats early on; and many more features that make up the full suite of New Relic tools available today.

Overall, New Relic’s launch of Grok marks a significant milestone in helping organizations gain better visibility into their applications’ health while reducing manual effort required by developers and operations teams alike – ultimately allowing them more time for innovation instead of debugging tasks!

|New Relic launches Grok: Its AI Observability Assistant|Technology|TechCrunch

Original source article rewritten by our AI: TechCrunch




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