
Italian Dubbers Go on Strike to Fight Dehumanization During AI Disruption - Credit: Variety

Italian Dubbers Go on Strike to Fight Dehumanization During AI Disruption

The Italian dubbing industry is facing a major challenge as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in production has led to a strike by dubbers. Dubbers, who provide voice-overs for films and television shows, are protesting against what they see as unfair working conditions imposed by digital platforms.

Dubbing is an important part of Italy’s film and television industry, with many productions relying on it to reach audiences around the world. However, the introduction of AI technology into production processes has caused concern among dubbers about their job security and wages. The new technology allows companies to produce content faster than ever before but at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods. This has resulted in fewer jobs for dubbers and lower pay rates for those that remain employed in the sector.

In response to these changes, members of Italy’s National Association of Dubbing Artists (ANDA) have gone on strike over what they consider unacceptable working conditions imposed by digital platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. They argue that these companies are exploiting them by offering low wages while expecting high levels of quality work from them within tight deadlines. Furthermore, ANDA claims that some digital platforms have refused to negotiate contracts with individual artists or unions representing them which further undermines their rights as workers.

The strike began last month when hundreds of dubbers gathered outside Rome’s Cinecittà Studios demanding better terms from streaming services operating in Italy including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Sky Italia . Since then there have been several protests across the country calling for improved working conditions including higher wages , more flexible hours , greater job security , recognition from employers regarding union representation , access to health insurance benefits , fair compensation for overtime work , and respect for copyright laws .

In addition to taking action through strikes and demonstrations, ANDA is also lobbying lawmakers at both national leveland European Union levelto ensure that legislation protects workers’ rights regardlessof whetherthey are employedbytraditional mediaoronlineplatforms . The associationhas proposeda seriesof measuresincludingthe establishmentof minimumwagesforvoice actorsaswell asthe implementationof regulationsgoverningworkingconditionsinordertoensurethatallworkersareprotectedregardlessoftheiremploymentstatus .

While negotiations betweenANDAdubberstheirdigitalemployershaveyettobesuccessfulitseemsclearthatthereisanincreasingawarenessamongItalianlawmakersabouttheneedtoprotectdubberrightsinthedigitalage . AsmorecontentisproducedusingAItechnologyitwillbecriticalforthelawstokeepupwiththesechangesandensurethatthewelfareoftalentedartistsisnotcompromisedinthenameoffasterproductiontimesandsmallerbudgets . Withthisinminditislikelythatwe’llsoonseeamorefavorableoutcomeforthedubbercommunityastheycontinuefightingforbetterworkingconditionsacrossItalyandbeyond .

Original source article rewritten by our AI:





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