
EU lawmakers pass draft of AI Act, includes last-minute change on generative AI models - Credit: VentureBeat

EU lawmakers pass draft of AI Act, includes last-minute change on generative AI models

The European Union has recently passed a draft of the AI Act, which includes a last-minute change on generative AI models. This is an important step in regulating artificial intelligence (AI) and ensuring that it is used responsibly. The new law will require companies to be transparent about how they use AI and provide safeguards against potential misuse or abuse. It also sets out rules for data protection, safety, and liability when using AI systems.

The most significant change in the draft was the inclusion of provisions related to generative models – algorithms that can generate content such as images or text based on input from humans. These models have been increasingly used by companies for various purposes, including creating fake news stories or deepfakes videos. The EU’s new law requires companies to disclose if they are using these types of algorithms and provide information about their accuracy rate and any potential risks associated with them.

In addition to this provision, the law also contains other measures designed to ensure responsible use of AI technology across Europe. Companies must assess any potential risks posed by their systems before deploying them into production environments; they must also inform users about how their data is being processed by an algorithm and obtain consent where necessary; finally, businesses must take steps to prevent discrimination based on gender or race when using automated decision-making processes such as facial recognition software.

Overall, this new legislation represents a major milestone in regulating artificial intelligence within Europe’s borders – one that could set a precedent for other countries around the world looking at similar laws governing machine learning technologies like those found in autonomous vehicles or medical diagnostics toolsets . With its passage through Parliament now complete , it remains unclear exactly when these regulations will come into effect but it’s likely that we’ll see some changes over the coming months as governments work together with industry stakeholders to implement them properly .

|EU lawmakers pass draft of AI Act, includes last-minute change on generative AI models|Law|VentureBeat

Original source article rewritten by our AI: VentureBeat




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