
White House Calls In Tech Firms To Talk AI Risks - Credit: Barron's

White House Calls In Tech Firms To Talk AI Risks

The White House has recently called in tech firms to discuss the potential risks of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a rapidly growing technology that can be used for many different applications, from self-driving cars to facial recognition software. However, with this new technology comes some serious concerns about its potential misuse and abuse. The White House convened a meeting with representatives from major tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM and Apple to discuss these issues.

At the meeting, the participants discussed topics such as privacy protection for users of AI systems and how best to ensure that AI technologies are developed responsibly. They also discussed ways in which governments could work together with private industry to develop regulations around the use of AI technologies. Additionally, they talked about how best to promote public trust in these emerging technologies by ensuring transparency and accountability when it comes to their development and deployment.

The discussion was part of an ongoing effort by the Trump administration to explore ways in which government agencies can better regulate emerging technologies like AI while still allowing innovation within those industries. This is especially important given recent reports of data breaches at major tech companies due to inadequate security measures or malicious actors exploiting vulnerabilities within their systems. It’s clear that there needs to be more oversight over how these powerful tools are being used so that we can protect our citizens’ rights while still allowing businesses room for growth and innovation without compromising safety or privacy standards set forth by law enforcement agencies or other regulatory bodies.

Overall, this meeting between tech giants and government officials shows promise for future collaboration on regulating artificial intelligence technology responsibly going forward into 2020 and beyond. As more countries begin using this powerful tool for various purposes—from healthcare services delivery automation all the way up through military operations—it will become increasingly important that we have proper safeguards in place so as not prevent any unintended consequences arising from its use without sacrificing progress made towards advancing humanity’s capabilities through technological advancement either domestically or internationally speaking alike..

|White House Calls In Tech Firms To Talk AI Risks|Technology|Barron’s

Original source article rewritten by our AI: Barron’s




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