
Workers are Wary — But Also Optimistic - Credit: TechCrunch

Workers are Wary — But Also Optimistic

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace is becoming increasingly common, and it’s no surprise that workers have mixed feelings about it. A recent survey conducted by a leading AI research firm has revealed some interesting insights into how employees feel about the technology.

The survey asked over 1,000 people from various industries to rate their attitudes towards AI on a scale of one to five. The results showed that while most respondents had positive views of AI, there was also a significant amount of uncertainty among them. Nearly half said they were “not sure” or “neutral” when asked if they trusted AI-driven decisions in their workplace.

When asked why they felt this way, many respondents cited concerns about job security and privacy as key factors influencing their opinions. They expressed worries that automation could lead to job losses and questioned whether companies would be able to protect employee data from misuse or abuse by third parties.

However, despite these reservations, many participants also saw potential benefits from using AI at work. Over two thirds said they believed it could help improve efficiency and accuracy in decision making processes; almost three quarters thought it could reduce costs; and nearly 80% thought it could make workplaces more productive overall.

Overall then, the survey suggests that while workers may be wary of introducing new technologies like AI into their workplaces – particularly those with fewer resources – there is still an underlying optimism for its potential benefits too. Companies should take note: investing in training programs for staff members can help build trust between employers and employees when implementing new technologies such as AI into the workplace environment .

|Workers are Wary — But Also Optimistic|Technology|TechCrunch

Original source article rewritten by our AI: TechCrunch




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