
ChatGPT's 'accomplishment engine' is beating Google's search engine says AI ethicist - Credit: ZDNet

ChatGPT’s ‘accomplishment engine’ is beating Google’s search engine says AI ethicist

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in our lives, and the latest development from ChatGPT has made a huge impact. The company recently released its ‘accomplishment engine’, which it claims can outperform Google’s search engine.

The accomplishment engine is an AI-powered tool that helps users find information quickly and accurately. It works by using natural language processing to understand what the user wants to know and then provides them with relevant results. This means that instead of having to type out long queries or use complicated keywords, users can simply ask their questions in plain English and get accurate answers back almost instantly.

According to AI ethicist Timnit Gebru, this technology could revolutionize how we access information online. She believes that the accomplishment engine could be more effective than traditional search engines because it understands context better than other tools do. For example, if someone were looking for a restaurant near them they wouldn’t have to type out “restaurants near me” – they could just ask “where should I eat?”

ChatGPT’s accomplishment engine also has potential applications beyond simple searches; it could be used for tasks such as customer service inquiries or even medical diagnosis assistance. In addition, Gebru believes that this technology will help bridge the digital divide between those who are tech savvy and those who aren’t as familiar with computers or internet usage – making accessing information easier for everyone regardless of their level of technical knowledge.

Overall, ChatGPT’s ‘accomplishment engine’ looks set to revolutionize how we access information online by providing us with faster and more accurate results than ever before – something which Google’s search engine may struggle to match up against in future years!

|ChatGPT’s ‘accomplishment engine’ is beating Google’s search engine says AI ethicist|Technology|ZDNet

Original source article rewritten by our AI: ZDNet




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